Panther Protocol — Privacy For Digital Assets

Yakuza Capital
3 min readMay 11, 2021



A big part of what has made crypto so popular for so many years is the fact that it simultaneously provides unparalleled privacy to all concerned parties whilst also creating a foolproof chain of evidence that can record transactions as well as the legitimacy of any purchases or sales that are made. That said, there is always room for improvement, and the fact that a trusted setup is often required to facilitate crypto transactions can often hamper any progress that can be made in this field.

Panther Protocol is attempting to change this by taking zero knowledge proof tech to a whole new level. The essence of zero knowledge proof is that you can provide some kind of evidence that you possess a certain asset without revealing the true nature of that asset. This is a crucial component of crypto, but it has eluded many investors because of its reliance on trusted setups. The way that Panther Protocol works is that it uses a unique zkSNARK, namely the HALO variety, to create a zero-knowledge proof that doesn’t require any kind of actual interactions between concerned parties, thereby eliminating the need for a trusted setup in the first place.

One can imagine the kind of impact that this can have on the industry at large. You can create a zero knowledge asset out of any asset that you own on the blockchain which would have an equal value to said asset, and placing your commodities and tokens in the so-called Panther Vaults can give you an on the chain storage and security solution that is really quite remarkable with regards to the level of privacy as well as efficiency that it can offer.

Panther Protocol further commercializes this privacy by offering investors Panther Tokens that obtain value from pooled zero knowledge assets which are called zAssets for short. Hence, the more people that start to get in on this kind of security protocol, the more secure as well as affordable it can become. This tech is a rare example of something that gets exponentially more affordable proportionally to its adoption rate among investors, traders and industry insiders. Token holders also obtain voting rights that can allow them to contribute to the governance of various security protocols and the direction that this might take in the future.

The basic component of your Panther Protocol investment will be the Panther Wallet. This wallet is relatively unique in that it more or less guarantees unique addresses for each transaction, and holders of currencies can also rely on this for superior protection from malicious actors. The mining aspect of these protocols plays an important role too as it provides much needed liquidity that can set investors’ minds at ease by ensuring that they can withdraw any amount that they desire without severely disrupting the market. This further incentivizes heavy investment by creating a positive feedback group in which interested parties can buy or hold without negatively affecting the market as is what happens in less organized transactional procedures.

It is clear that Panther Protocol has the potential to revolutionize how transactions are conducted, but it is essential to note the genesis of this idea. It was brought about by the proliferation of token based commodities, with NFTs in particular being a crucial aspect of this.

Another aspect of this system would be the gatekeepers that would analyze and mediate token burning and minting, managing to provide loose regulatory oversight without invading the privacy of asset owners and investors. It is a middle ground that has been much needed in the space to provide legitimacy, and in many ways this represents the very forefront of the field which can be seen from the credentials of all parties that were involved in the creation of zAssets as they pertain to this company.

Anish Mohammed, the CTO and co-founder of Panther Protocol seeks to improve the incentives around token mining by creating mining protocols as well as burning mechanisms.

Panther Protocol is the culmination of several innovations that have occurred in the space, many of which have created new opportunities for savvy investors and provides income to the creators of various forms of media many of which failed to profit from their creations in the past. While the field still has its fair share of detractors, it much like many other recent innovations is pushing forward with entrepreneurial disruptors such as Mohammed and his colleagues.



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